The basic and primary principles of face lifting and face line improvement are volume corrections, in other words, volume filling and volume reduction where are needed. Between the two, generally volume reduction is first procedure rather than volume replacement. After volume reduction, volume replacement is done using fat or hyaluronic acid fillers.
The areas that need volume reduction are lateral cheek fat, nasolabial fat, inferior jowl fat, double chin fat, below ear fat. And the areas that need volume replacement are forehead, glabella, temple, below lateral cheek, nose, lips, etc.
Permanent subcutaneous fat volume reduction using lipodestrucion method(not liposuction) make smaller, better good looking face and smoother face line especially in Asians. After sufficient fat removal, some people do not need volume replacement and if needed, ‘small’ volume replacement is enough. In conclusion, the people who want volume replacement using filler or fat injection need volume reduction using lipodestruction method first in the majority of cases
The areas that need volume reduction are lateral cheek fat, nasolabial fat, inferior jowl fat, double chin fat, below ear fat. And the areas that need volume replacement are forehead, glabella, temple, below lateral cheek, nose, lips, etc.
Permanent subcutaneous fat volume reduction using lipodestrucion method(not liposuction) make smaller, better good looking face and smoother face line especially in Asians. After sufficient fat removal, some people do not need volume replacement and if needed, ‘small’ volume replacement is enough. In conclusion, the people who want volume replacement using filler or fat injection need volume reduction using lipodestruction method first in the majority of cases
- 1Area of treatment
※ Forehead and glabella botulinum toxin treatment is recommended with forehead filler injection at the same time.
• Amount: 4~6 cc
• Pain: 0 to 30 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 60~90 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeGlabella
※ Forehead and glabella botulinum toxin treatment is recommended with forehead filler injection
• Amount: 1~2 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeLower eyelid (Aegyo sal enhancement)
• Amount: 0.3~0.5 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeUnder eye fillers (Tear Trough and palpebromalar)
※In general, under-eye fillers are not recommended, and surgery is often effective.
※Very few people have effective under-eye fillers.
• Amount: 1~2 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeTemple
※In the case of Asians, it is generally recommended to perform subcutaneous fat removal on the zygoma before the temple filler.
• Amount: 2 to 6 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeZygoma
※It is generally not recommended for Asians.
• Amount: 2~4 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30~60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeHollow cheek
※In the case of Asians, it is generally recommended to perform subcutaneous fat removal on the zygoma before the temple filler.
• Amount: 2~4 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30~60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeNasolabial folds
※In general, it is recommended to remove subcutaneous fat on the nasolabial folds first.
※The order of nasolabial folds correction is 1) removal of subcutaneous fat on the nasolabial folds 2) indian band filler 3) Nasolabial folds filler.
※If excessive amounts of filler is injected only into the nasolabial folds, it makes an unnatural impression.
• Amount: 1~4 cc
• Pain: 0 to 30 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeNose
※ Botulinum toxin injection on the nose is recommended with the filler injection at the same time.
• Amount: 1 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeNose Tip Elevation
• Amount: 1 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 20~30 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeIndian Band
• Amount: 1~3 cc
• Pain: 0-10 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30~40 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeLips
※ Unlike other areas, there are many various lip shapes that patients wants.
• Amount: 1~3 cc: generally less than 1cc for upper lip, less than 1cc for lower lip
• Pain: 0-10 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30~60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeChin augmentation
※ Botulinum toxin injection on the chin is recommended with the filler injection at the same time.
• Amount: 1~3 cc
• Pain: 0-10 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30~60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeJawline filler
• Amount: 1~6 cc
• Pain: 0-10 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30~60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeMental chin crease
※ Botulinum toxin injection on the chin is recommended with the filler injection at the same time.
• Amount: 1~2 cc
• Pain: 0-10 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30~60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulaeMarionette Line
※To improve the wrinkles around the mouth, it is recommended to perform a lateral cheek fat removal first.
• Amount: 1~3 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 30~60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulae
- 2Deep wrinkles, Dorsum of hand
Deep forehead wrinkles
※ Botulinum toxin injection on the deep forehead lines is recommended with the filler injection at the same time.
※ There is no dramatic change with a single procedure.
• Amount: 1 cc
• Pain: 0 to 30 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: cream anesthesia 40 minutes, procedure time 30 minutes
• Downtime: bruises about 15 days and swelling 3~7 days at the injection sites
• Technique: filler injection using needleDeep glabella lines
※ Botulinum toxin injection on the glabella lines is recommended with the filler injection at the same time.
※ There is no dramatic change with a single procedure.
• Amount: 1 cc
• Pain: 0 to 30 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: cream anesthesia 40 minutes, procedure time 30 minutes
• Downtime: bruises about 15 days and swelling 3~7 days at the injection sites
• Technique: filler injection using needleDeep neck lines(horizontal)
※ Botulinum toxin injection on the neck is recommended with the filler injection at the same time.
• Amount: 1~3 cc
• Pain: 0 to 30 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: cream anesthesia 40 minutes, procedure time 30~90 minutes
• Downtime: bruises about 15 days and swelling 3~7 days at the injection sites
• Technique: filler injection using needleDorsum of hand
• Amount: 4~6 cc
• Pain: 0-20 (0: no pain, 100: very severe pain)
• Treatment time: injection anesthesia on cannulae insertion sites, procedure time 60 minutes
• Downtime: small bruises may occur at the insertion site of the cannula
• Technique: filler injection using cannulae
- 3Cautions after procedures
• Since hyaluronic acid has clay-like properties, it is recommended not to press or apply pressure to the injection site about during 15 days.
• Remove the bandage that we applied after 24 hours
• Avoid excessive drinking for about 7 days
• You may feel a little uneven contour after the procedure, but it gradually disappears over time.
• Avoid massage at the treatment area for at least 1 month
• You can wash your face water, be in sauna immediately after the procedure, but take care not to let water enter the cannula hole.
• A little pain can last for a few days. However, if the pain gets worse over time, or if you experience severe pain, please contact me.
- 4Possible side effects
bruising, swelling, tenderness, and skin discoloration, blindness
asymmetry, unevenness, lumpiness, overcorrection, Hematoma, Immediate hypersensitivity
delayed small bumps, delayed hypersensitivity reactions, granulomas, Infection