The reasons for wrinkle formation are numerous.
These include repetitive motion of muscles, subcutaneous fat loss, decreased skin elasticity and other combined factors such as the gravity.
Therefore, the treatment of wrinkles has to be based on the causes.
For instance, the nasolabial fold cannot be improved with fillers alone. The better result is attain when under eye and “Indian band” areas are treated with fillers prior to the filler procedure on the nasolabial fold
Also, the periodical Botox injection is necessary to maintain good looks.
These include repetitive motion of muscles, subcutaneous fat loss, decreased skin elasticity and other combined factors such as the gravity.
Therefore, the treatment of wrinkles has to be based on the causes.
For instance, the nasolabial fold cannot be improved with fillers alone. The better result is attain when under eye and “Indian band” areas are treated with fillers prior to the filler procedure on the nasolabial fold
Also, the periodical Botox injection is necessary to maintain good looks.
- 1Forehead (Forehead lines) wrinkle
1. Repetitive movements of muscles.
2. loss of collagen by muscle ageing.
3. Loss of subcutaneous fat.
4. Laxity of under-skin ligament.
5. Blepharoptosis and other individual causes.
1. Botox to stiffen muscle is the best solution.
2. Botox injection under long existing deep wrinkles and filler/soluble thread for the under wrinkle sectors.
3 Deep Skin Tissue Desquamation or other additional procedures
4. Filler and fat injection (Eyebrows, Glabellar).
5. Fractional laser, ultrasonic, etc.
6. Lifting with soluble thread, or surgical lifting
- 2Glabellar (frown lines)
1. Repetitive movements of muscles.
2. loss of collagen by muscle ageing.
3. Loss of subcutaneous fat.
4. Laxity of under-skin ligament.
5. Blepharoptosis and other individual causes.
1. Botox to stiffen muscle is the best solution.
2. Botox injection under long existing deep wrinkles and filler/soluble thread for the under wrinkle sectors.
3 Deep Skin Tissue Desquamation or other additional procedures
4. Filler and fat injection (Eyebrows, Glabellar).
5. Fractional laser, ultrasonic, etc.
6. Lifting with soluble thread, or surgical lifting
- 3Periorbital lines
1. Repetitive movements of muscles.
2. loss of collagen by muscle ageing.
3. Loss of subcutaneous fat.
4. Laxity of under-skin ligament.
5. Blepharoptosis and other individual causes.
1. Botox to stiffen muscle is the best solution.
2. Botox injection under long existing deep wrinkles and filler/soluble thread for the under wrinkle sectors.
3 Deep Skin Tissue Desquamation or other additional procedures
4. Filler and fat injection (Eyebrows, Glabellar).
5. Fractional laser, ultrasonic, etc.
※ When the under eye fat protrusion is visible, Botox injection can make this worse. For patients with this condition, it is better to use soluble thread or surgical procedure.
The under eye Botox can dilute the so-called “beauty flesh”.
- 4Indian Band (wrinkles on fore-face)
1. Repetitive movements of muscles.
2. loss of collagen by muscle ageing.
3. Loss of subcutaneous fat.
4. Laxity of under-skin ligament.
5. Blepharoptosis and other individual causes.
1 Filler or fat injection
2 Lifting with soluble thread or surgical procedure.
3 Deep Skin Tissue Desquamation
4 Fractional laser, ultrasonic, etc.
- 5Nasolabial fold
1. Skeletal (Remodeling of skeleton)
2. Volume increase in subcutaneous fat, Sagging
3. Loss of fat from the upper handlebar fold
4. Shortage of collagen protein by muscle aging.
5. Laxity of under-skin ligament.
6. Repetitive movements of muscles and other individual causes.
1 Filler or fat injection
2 Lifting with soluble thread or surgical procedure.
3 Deep Skin Tissue Desquamation
4 HIFU (Ultraformer)
5 lipolysis, PPC or LL injection
6 Fractional laser, ultrasonic, etc.
7 Surgical correction
- 6Mouth (Marionette lines/wrinkles)
1. Skeletal (Remodeling of skeleton)
2. Volume increase in subcutaneous fat, Sagging
3. Loss of fat from the upper handlebar fold
4. Shortage of collagen protein by muscle aging.
5. Laxity of under-skin ligament.
6. Repetitive movements of muscles and other individual causes.
1 Filler or fat injection
2 Lifting with soluble thread or surgical procedure.
3 Deep Skin Tissue Desquamation
4 HIFU (Ultraformer)
5 lipolysis, PPC or LL injection
6 Fractional laser, ultrasonic, etc.
7 Surgical correction
- 7Horizontal chin wrinkles (Chinfold)
1. Skeletal (Remodeling of skeleton)
2. Volume increase in subcutaneous fat, Sagging
4. Shortage of collagen protein by muscle aging.
5. Laxity of under-skin ligament.
6. Repetitive movements of muscles and other individual causes.
1 Filler or fat injection
2 Botox
3 Deep Skin Tissue Desquamation
4 Lifting with soluble thread
5 lipolysis, PPC or LL injection
6 Fractional laser, ultrasonic, etc.
7 Surgical correction
- 8Neck (Neck fold)
1. Volume increase in subcutaneous fat, Sagging
2. Shortage of collagen protein by muscle aging.
3. Repetitive movements of muscles and other individual causes.
1 Filler or fat injection
2 Botox
3 Lifting with soluble thread
4 lipolysis, PPC or LL injection
5 Fractional laser, ultrasonic, etc.
6 Surgical correction