Face&Body-shaping Clinic    Weight Control - Medical Treatment - Metabolism Enhancer

체중 조절 - 약물 치료 - 대사 촉진제 소개
Metabolism Enhancer
- Takes effect within 30 minutes and lasts for 3-6 hours.

- Works better when combined with caffeine.

- May cause increased blood pressure, insomnia, tremor, fatigue and nausea.
- Increases the activities of neural receptors for enhanced appetite suppression.

- The toxic level is 1g (One cup of coffee contains approximately 50 - 180 mg)
3Ephedrine Caffeine
- 3 times a day, 30 minutes after every meal.
The content: Acetaminophen 200mg, Caffeine anhydrous 40mg, Ephedrine hydrochloride 15mg
4Green Tea Extract (Diva capsule, Daisen, etc.)
- Thermal generation through stimulating brown adipose tissue for oxidation of fat.

- The promotion of fat oxidation is achieved by suppressing COMT that disassembles norepinephrine to generate thermal reaction.

- Cautioun: Not safe for use during pregnancy.
– To increase oxidation of fat and increase sugar supply to brain for suppressing appetite, long chain fatty acid is pushed to inside of mitochondria.

- Side effect: vomit, abdominal pain and diarrhea

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